Saturday, December 5, 2009
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Chat Still Not Fixed...
Occasionally chat has this weird glitch were it posts the same exact thing you said in about a second of your posting. Don't believe me? See for yourself sometime.
Posted by ADJAJA/Anna at 7:50 PM 0 comments
Saturday, November 14, 2009
As well as the stardoll goods, they are the bitchy comments that make you reach. It comes with Stardoll popularity. Could be jealousy? Pure anger? Latent aggression? Know one knows for sure. But we do know it happens to most of the past and current covergirls, the "high-society" of stardoll, or the attention-seekers themselves.
Not to mention the copiers. An over-whelming amount have targeted Callie.Stardoll, as well as others such as i_luvsports.
It's funny actually; the immature, childish comments and people just seem to make you smile. So take a look at these and getcha smile on! :]


[another posing as i_luvsports]

Posted by ADJAJA/Anna at 6:28 AM 0 comments
I'm Back!
And the blog will be better than ever. But YOU have a say in what I should do to celebrate the blog being back in business. What do you think? Write in the comments.
Because this time it will be all about /you/.
(remember to turn off the original music on the sidebar)
P.S. I am working on making a new banner that will go here ↓
Posted by ADJAJA/Anna at 6:13 AM 0 comments
Monday, November 2, 2009
I'm Tired
(I had some time after studying for exams)
I'm tired of all of these "elites" "leaving" and making some stupid speech about how they love all of the caring members and hope their achievements will live on forever, blah blah blah. It's stupid and I'm tired of it. Why make a big deal out of everything? Don't you already have enough popularity?
It sickens me to think of everyone who struts around and knows it, yes knows, that they are some big shot "celebrity" and "elite" member of stardoll. Yes, you know who I am talking about. People like ----- and -----. Even my own friend said she was "leaving" and came back two days after. They all do that. Leave. Say some crap about how they decided everyone needed them. Go on like the same "elite" bitch they already were.
It's pathetic.
(Will add more when I get back from dinner)
Posted by ADJAJA/Anna at 2:59 PM 0 comments
Saturday, October 31, 2009
So Sorry
I don't think I will be able to post for the next week because I have to study for exams. Maybe I can sneak on and post though, but chances are I won't be able to. Please do NOT stop following, there might be some surprises when I start posting regularly again!
Posted by ADJAJA/Anna at 6:00 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
My friend owns a great account called TheRealSA, and I wanted to make another post about the importance of letting your friends && family know you love them. Know someone who has taken their life? Well every 8 seconds someone commits suicide. Now I bet you didn't know that. All you have to do is let everyone know you think their special && STOP bullying. Also you can help by posting the official stamp on your presentation which you can get by going here & copying & posting it. And if you have sd you can buy a t-shirt let people know to go to the account so they can get inspiration, love or support. They need to get the word out. Post the stamp, buy the tees, post an article about it in your magazine, blog or presentation. SPREAD THE WORD.
And if YOU are thinking about taking your life, go to TheRealSA & request the account so you can to talk to someone about how important you are and why you shouldn't kill yourself.
Posted by ADJAJA/Anna at 4:31 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
How to Look FLY with the New Bat Neckalces
Recently some bat necklaces have been released, so in the spirit of Halloween, I decided to make some outfits that have the necklaces in them.
1) This outfit uses the silver bat necklace to make a rough & edgy look, perfect for your fierce days. I used a pink lip on this because in the outfit, there were no other bright accessories or bright pieces, and you want your lips to be eye-catching! It's good to draw attention to them.
2) To make a Halloween prom outfit (without costumes of course) I used the black bat necklace, as well as a silver rhinestone dress and thigh-high boots accented with pink downward Vs. This is sort of a not-afraid-to-wear-pink,-but-i'm-still-tough look. I loved creating the face part, because it has so many different assets. For example, I used a black bow and a pink flower to mix two opposites, girly and dark, which makes it look interesting. I also used a pink eye to pump the black lips.
Which look do you like better? Vote!
Posted by ADJAJA/Anna at 4:13 PM 0 comments
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Inspired By Marc Jacobs
Thanks to the latest Teen Vogue issue, I found out several pieces of clothes in the Starplaza where inspired by Marc Jacobs 2009 Fall Runway! Some of these pieces include: an LE dress, a Pink for October dress, and an LE scarf!
As a high-fashion company, these pieces are perfectly colored and beautifully executed, as well as modeled. Also, I have to say, Stardoll did a pretty good job of recreating them, as most of the pieces they recreate turn out looking fake and not very elegant. In stark contrast, they recreated these very well, which earns a congratulations! Even though they I'm about 100% percent sure none of the staff members read this blog, I still want to congratulate such nice work so rarely seen[:
Posted by ADJAJA/Anna at 4:42 PM 0 comments
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Greedy Greedy Gumdrops!
I just went to the buy more stardollars page because I am thinking about getting more, and guess what I saw?! Stardoll lowered the sd amount on some of the prepaid cards! The only thing that was higher was the $10 get 50 more stardollars[: But it isn't good for me. Out of the 3 times I've bought more stardollars, 2/3 of those have been a $25 card, which they lowered by 200 STARDOLLARS! That is a whole bunch. It annoys the heck out of me that I won't be able to get those 200 extra stardollars! Also if you usually buy the $15 card, you get jipped out of 50 stardollars. How annoying is that? You think stardoll would keep the amounts at 300, 600, & 1,200 - but no! they are too greedy to even keep the same VIRTUAL money amount you get after paying REAL money. You think that wouldn't matter to them if you get more or less vitrual money, but YES! It apparently does matter to stardoll D:
I think stardoll is getting more greedy & greedy by day!
Below is a picture of the current US prepaid card amounts & below what they used to be! As you can see it used to be fair because on the $10 & $15 dollar cards they had a $5 difference which = a difference of 300sd. And between the $15 & $25 it was a difference of $10 which = a difference of 600 sd (it doubles because the real money doubles!) Now it is not fair because on the $10 & $15 cards they have a difference of $5 which = 200 sd. And the $15 & the $25 have a difference of $10 which = a 450 difference, not a difference of 600 STARDOLLARS! Which makes you lose real money!
Do you agree they are becoming more greedier than ever? Reply in comments. I want to know your opinion!
Posted by ADJAJA/Anna at 10:48 AM 0 comments
Jill Stuart[:
I found the inspiration for the Multi Ruffle Babydoll Dress && the Bubble Bead Necklace. Also I sort of think the Tri Buckle Ankle Boots might've been inspired by Jill Stuart's collection, but I'm not sure. I actually remember seeing some boots like the model has on, but I can't find them in the starplaza[:
Posted by ADJAJA/Anna at 6:42 AM 0 comments
Friday, October 23, 2009
Today's Poll!
I thought this was really interesting && hilarious. WALMARTkopinq DISCOUNTkopinq? Oh wow! Did anyone but me notice this?
Posted by ADJAJA/Anna at 4:12 PM 0 comments
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Halloween Couture !
Sorry about not posting, I thought my computer was fixed but it wasn't. But the good thing is that my dad got a new modem! Whoop, so I can great more!
So new Couture Tingeling Halloween shop has been released, and woah are the prices high! The whole collection costs 810 sd! There are some great pieces though, such as the black dress that reminds me of Edward Scissorhands! I made some outfits, I hope you like them!
1) This is a very punk and badass sort of outfit. Featuring the ripped skull tee and a motorcycle jacket, this outfit is sure to rock.
2) I love this dress: the shape, texture, length, EVERYTHING! I paired it with a blue metallic belt and some high fashion Miss Sixty tights. With a Halloween mask, you will be mysterious and edgy.
3) I made this outfit using a whole lot of the Tingeling couture items such as: the Harness Trimmed Dress, Blood Red Skirt, && Bustier Lace Dress. This outfit comes to 197, so if you are low on money or have a little bit over this, I would not recommend buying this outfit! It is still very Halloween-y and gruesome- perfect for your scary needs!
Posted by ADJAJA/Anna at 4:42 PM 0 comments
Monday, October 19, 2009
Whoop the HB Boots have been released. I was experimenting with them and made a couple of outfits! You can also find some more outfits created by sd_is_da_best here.
1) Using these boots and the Breast Cancer dress, plus some great accessories, I made a cool outfit[:
2) Two totbuys make this outfit perfect for your October needs.
3) This spunky && colorful top is great with these high rising boots.
4) I love these ELLE jacket because it works really well with every outfit, even with these wacky boots!
Which one do you like the best? They are numbered above[:
Posted by ADJAJA/Anna at 5:54 PM 0 comments
Do you like the new music player?
Do you want any specific songs on there? Tell me in the comments[:
Posted by ADJAJA/Anna at 4:07 PM 0 comments
Sunday, October 18, 2009
New Draped V Neck Dress
The draped V neck dress came out in the starplaza! It is very interesting so I decided to do some outfits for it. On the first one I had sort of an Indian vibe from seeing the Tingeling Indian clothes! The others are a tiny bit different from each other, but not too much. Check the last outfits that are a bit different from each other and vote for whichever you like best in the poll under it! (note- the Indian outfit is not included in this poll[:) So here they are:
Indian-ish outfit:
Outfits for the poll:
Note- if you like the indian-ish outfit the best, tell me in the comments[:
Posted by ADJAJA/Anna at 11:49 AM 0 comments
Today I made an outfit with all archive items (except makeup of course). The archive can be good, but equally bad. Like I bought the vampire tube dress before it came out and now the re-selling decreased the price. Then again, I bought the Victorian blouse I wanted. Anyway here is the outfit:
It is very halloween-ish, just in time for Halloween[: So would you wear it for a Halloween costume? Maybe an evil witch? Tell me in the comments!
Posted by ADJAJA/Anna at 11:20 AM 0 comments
Friday, October 16, 2009
More Halloween items have been released, but most have been re-released. I already own some of the stuff, but I bought other masks and a wig I didn't have.....
I think stardoll should be more original and make new clothes, masks, etc.
CAUTION- Do not buy the harlequin mask yet, I bought it and it did not show up in my suite[:
What do you think about re-releasing of clothes? Do you like it or hate it? Reply in the comments. Also if you own any of these pieces either before they re-released them or now, tell me in the comments[:
Posted by ADJAJA/Anna at 2:10 PM 0 comments
Miss Sixty!
I think my computer issues have been fixed somehow! Whoop!
So I know I'm a little late, but more Miss Sixty was released! I absolutely love this collection! All edgy pieces with some rock n' roll style. A FEW are a bit softer though, so if you don't like the edgy style try those few pieces. The whole collection totals to 500sd, which is a WHOLE BUNCH (at least to me)!
I made two outfits, one more rock, the other more soft. Take a look[:
Outfit 1-
Outfit 2-
Do you like them? Which do you like better? Tell me in the comments.
Posted by ADJAJA/Anna at 2:02 PM 0 comments
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Computer Messing Uo
I have no idea what is wrong with my computer. After about 5 min of using the internet it won't load anything and I have to restart it, which takes a long time. Until I find the problem and the solution, I won't be posting much. Hopefully it will only be a short time[:
Sorry readers!
Posted by ADJAJA/Anna at 3:43 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Also the HB dress was released I think a day or two ago! I can't decide if I like it or not, maybe it'll grow on me. It certainly has a wild pattern...Anyway I made an outfit with it.
Hm do you like? Tell me in the comments please.
Posted by ADJAJA/Anna at 3:00 PM 0 comments